There are three important aspects from my life that I really focus on: Spirit, Soul, and Body. I am somebody who constantly works on a day to day basis to build my best version based on my connection and love for God " .


Our Story

  • I was born and raised in Matagalpa Nicaragua...

    And moved to Managua and studied Industrial Engineering at 16 years of age while at the same time paying for my education by modeling and participating in beauty pageants worldwide.  After a few years the most important aspect of life or a person is their internal beauty and in 2009 I received Christ in my heart and this totally transformed my life and a process began.   I started focusing on internal life, beauty and traits that were the most important aspect or trait of a person and not the exterior shell or image.  I studied Theo-Therapy (studying of the bible) since 2011 to this day and became more curious about how humans are so different internally vs. externally and started studying the Human Potential through the use of our minds and started working for an international company that specializes in understanding how the mind works to maximize your inner potential.    This work and study opened my mind and I delved in more deeply and started studying Neuro-Linguistics and received my Masters in Neuro-Linguistics Programming and became certified as a Coach of Life in Change for the Better or Continuous Improvement.  In 2017 I started Hilos de Luz to share my knowledge and experience to empower people to take control of their destiny and life as I realized everyone has the potential to do it with the right steps.   

    I am a wife, I have 2 young children (Noah and Sarah) and have 3 sisters and a brother and my Mother, who is also my partner in this project as designer and artisanal craft expert with her life experience starting by making my clothes and jewelry when I was young.   

  • There are three important aspects from my life that I really focus on: Spirit, Soul, and Body. I am somebody who constantly works on a day to day basis to build my best version based on my connection and love for God. He inspires and promotes the belief that we are beautiful beings full of light. Under his guidance every day I affirm with certainty an integral, full and purposeful life; That is my life mission.  

    The Soapstone products come from San Juan de Limay Nicaragua, Central America. When we started our project, the tradition of carving soapstone was disappearing. You could only find one active artisan that was maintaining this tradition alive. A lot of the local crafters had to leave the town and get regular jobs, but with your support now we have 21 artisans working full time. 

    Our products are designed to inspire love, peace, but sometimes as humans we are going through harsh moments, and we need a reminder from God. His message will inspire you not to give up, and no matter what is happening to you, if you have hope and faith, he will guide you to a brighter path. In Karla Leclair/Threads of Light, our mission is to celebrate life, without forgetting that life is full of bumps and can sometimes be like a roller coaster. 

    We hope you can connect with our brand and understand everything we do comes from love and understanding.  Our vision and purpose is to be light in the darkest room. We will continue spreading his love, accepting his will and never forgetting the most important message: All glory to God.