Collection: Promises & Affirmations

Now available in English or Spanish in the U.S.!  

Each box set edition is 30-31 cards or buy all 12 editions of 365 cards for the year.  Karla Leclair Promises and Affirmations are the #1 selling Christian Promise and Affirmation set sold in Latin America and now available in the U.S. in English or Spanish. 

You can save money by buying a kit of the hand carved soapstone heart and a box set edition of a Promises and Affirmations. 365 original artwork and writings by Karla Leclair along with a biblical verse to match the promiser and affirmation. 


Categories for each edition include: 

Self Esteem, Hope, Love and Faith, Spirit Soul & Body, Inspiration, Today, Wisdom, Integral Life, Calm, Financial Freedom, Spiritual Identity, Women of Light. 

Promises & Affirmations